Tuesday, April 7, 2015

[Challenge] Day #20 -- NanoWrimo

What is NanoWrimo? Have you ever heard about that before? Did you finish the NanoWrimo?

Well, for you who don't know or never heard about NanoWrimo, I will tell you. NanoWrimo is National Novel Writing Month, an annual internet-based creative writing project that takes places during the month of November. This website brings all of the writer (professional and amateur) around the Worlds to write their novel project in one month. It challenges all the participants to write the 50.000 words (the minimum number of words for novel) from November 1 until the deadline at 11:59 on November 30.

Participants can write in any genre of fiction and language. The goal is to encourage, motivated, and get people to writing also make them enjoy all of the writing process (make draft, outline, how to overcome a writer's block, and finish the novel). The idea of this is simple 'to focus a completion instead of perfection'. Why? Because, they want writers to write a complete novel first before learn to perfect it. Means, they encourages writers to finish the draft and project before edit it. So, after the deadline (November 30), they also give a tools to help participants edit the draft.

To register, participants only required to fill the registration and their novel project (summary, genre, synopsis, and word counts). To win the challenge, participants must write an average of approximately 1.667 words per day. It will helps the participants to aim the goal and simply make them to start writing.

I already participated in this event for two years (November 2013 and November 2014). I did my best to write the novel. I know how hard to finish the draft and how a writer's block can be a real obstacle. But, I get help from the community in the NanoWrimo site.

I feel s grateful for the opportunity to learn and meet another fellow writers in this event. I feel so welcome and they inspired me to become a great writer. I think this is a good project. I learned about the important of finish something and how sometime, we only need a support and place to trigger our creative side. And, I learn that there are other people who have a similar dream as me and how hard they do to make their dream become true.

Writing is similar to art. 
You need passion to give the best for it.

DAY 20 -- 10 days to go, it is really surreal to me, to write for 20 days.
I really did the challenge

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