Tuesday, April 14, 2015

[Challenge] Day #21 - Employee Assistant Program (EAP)

What is Employee Assistant Program or EAP? Is it about support to employee or only about counselling? What the benefit for employee and organization? 

Employee Assistant Program or EAP is a work-based intervention program design to enhance the emotional, mental, and general psychological well being of all employees and includes services for immediate family members. EAP used by organization to provide preventive and proactive intervention for the early identification the problem of employees that may affect performance and well being of them. The problems and issues are about relationship, health, trauma, substance abuse, gambling, other addiction, financial problem, depression, anxiety disorder, psychiatric disorder, communication problem, legal, coping with change, or anything about their personal life who may affect their performance.  

EAP is benefit for the employee and also to organization. EAP results a benefit for organization in term of lower medical costs, reduced turnover and absenteeism, and higher employee productivity. EAP programs include a brief counseling and consultation services, crisis intervention, assessment and referral, educational and training programs, and supervisory consultation. 

The main focus of EAP is to support employee and make them more satisfaction to their life. When they happy about their life, it will increase their performance and more productive at work, 

Generally speaking, Employee Assistance Programs provide value in three ways (An Employer’s Guide to Employee Assistance Programs). 
1. EAPs leverage the value of the organization’s investment in its workforce by: 
o Encouraging employee engagement. 
o Improving abilities of employees and dependents to successfully respond to life’s challenges. 
o Offering employees short-term problem-resolution services or referring employees and dependents to mental health treatment services when indicated.
 o Developing employee and manager competencies in managing workplace stress and improving work team performance.
 2. EAPs address the costs of doing business by: 
o Reducing workplace absenteeism and unplanned absences. 
o Decreasing workplace accidents.
o Lowering employee turnover and related replacement costs. 
o Facilitating safe, timely and effective return-to-work for employees after short-term and extended absences. 
o Reducing healthcare costs. 
o Improving the value of organizational investments in wellness and health promotion, self-care management, continuity of care and work-related efforts. 
o Increasing efficient use of health care through early identification, care management and recovery efforts. 
3. EAPs mitigate business risks by: 
o Reducing the likelihood of workplace violence or other safety risks. 
o Managing the effect of such disruptive incidents as workplace violence, injury or other crises and facilitating a swift return-to-work after adverse workplace events.
o Supporting disaster and emergency preparedness and minimizing disruption after such events.
o Smoothing the adjustment to mergers, acquisitions, site closures or other workforce change events.
o Reducing the likelihood of legal action or liability (e.g., maintaining business practices that promote a violence-free workplace). 
o Promoting and supporting drug- and alcohol-free workplace policies and programs.

In conclusion, EAP have provided value to employers, employees and families. EAP provide an array of services that include responding to emergencies, managing business risk, preventing and addressing workplace violence, reducing turnover, increasing morale, improving relationships with customers and managers, and training mangers to deal with complex emotional, cultural and diversity issues. EAP can enhance organizational performance and help organizations achieve their business goals. However, rapidly changing market forces and the evolving needs of today’s workforce present the EAP field with structural, measurement and service-delivery challenges. Recent studies suggest that employers who take a proactive approach to managing EAP succeed in sponsoring programs that provide high-quality and relevant services. Results also show that employers should successfully leverage employee assistance programs by coordinating the roles and responsibilities of their EAP with other health and productivity programs. Organizations need to clearly define the scope of covered EAP services, strategically align EAP activities within their human resources organization and leverage EAP performance data.

DAY 21 -- I will try hard to write

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

[Challenge] Day #20 -- NanoWrimo

What is NanoWrimo? Have you ever heard about that before? Did you finish the NanoWrimo?

Well, for you who don't know or never heard about NanoWrimo, I will tell you. NanoWrimo is National Novel Writing Month, an annual internet-based creative writing project that takes places during the month of November. This website brings all of the writer (professional and amateur) around the Worlds to write their novel project in one month. It challenges all the participants to write the 50.000 words (the minimum number of words for novel) from November 1 until the deadline at 11:59 on November 30.

Participants can write in any genre of fiction and language. The goal is to encourage, motivated, and get people to writing also make them enjoy all of the writing process (make draft, outline, how to overcome a writer's block, and finish the novel). The idea of this is simple 'to focus a completion instead of perfection'. Why? Because, they want writers to write a complete novel first before learn to perfect it. Means, they encourages writers to finish the draft and project before edit it. So, after the deadline (November 30), they also give a tools to help participants edit the draft.

To register, participants only required to fill the registration and their novel project (summary, genre, synopsis, and word counts). To win the challenge, participants must write an average of approximately 1.667 words per day. It will helps the participants to aim the goal and simply make them to start writing.

I already participated in this event for two years (November 2013 and November 2014). I did my best to write the novel. I know how hard to finish the draft and how a writer's block can be a real obstacle. But, I get help from the community in the NanoWrimo site.

I feel s grateful for the opportunity to learn and meet another fellow writers in this event. I feel so welcome and they inspired me to become a great writer. I think this is a good project. I learned about the important of finish something and how sometime, we only need a support and place to trigger our creative side. And, I learn that there are other people who have a similar dream as me and how hard they do to make their dream become true.

Writing is similar to art. 
You need passion to give the best for it.

DAY 20 -- 10 days to go, it is really surreal to me, to write for 20 days.
I really did the challenge

Saturday, April 4, 2015

[Challenge] Day #19 -- Oh My Disney!

If I asked you:
"Do you know Disneyland?"
"Have you ever heard about Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy?"
"Have you ever dream about fairy tale like Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, or Snow White?"
"Do you remember the song of Mary Poppin, 'A Spoonful Of Sugar'?
"How many times do you read or watch the story of Disney?"

I can asked so many question about that and I believe you will answer yes to some of the question. Why I can be so sure? Because, I believe that in your life time, you had watched, listened, read about Disney's stories, or maybe went to Disneyland. 

Disney is one of my childhood story that make me realize about DREAM. The positive side from the entire Disney's concepts is about ACHIEVE YOUR DREAM. The life is full of happiness, curiosity, friendship, love, courage, faith, and all about hope.There will be always a protagonist and antagonist in life. You will meet a good people and bad people in your life. And, it depends on you to choose what will you do to your future.

I always think that Disney somewhat too full of fairy tale and it is like an imagination and not real. The life is not simple or easy like the story. The real life is more difficult and there is more problem in this life.

Then, I think again. What is the meaning from all of that stories? Is it really about of fairy tale? Is it really about the 'Happily ever After'?

I get the answer when I listened to Disney's song and when I decided to watched all the movies from Disney. I find out that:
"Yes, it is about fairy tale."
"Yes, it is about happily ever after."
"And, yes, it is about hope and dream."
"But, it is also about how to achieve your dream."
"It is also about what you need to achieve your dream."
"It also about life."

Why I can make those conclusion??

Because the stories taught me about that.

  • 'Cinderella' gives a lesson about kindness and courage. In our life, we will meet so many people. There will be a lovely people, a good people, or bad people. It is okay. We only need a courage in our heart and always be kind. Those will give us a power to take a step.
  • 'Snow White' and 'Ariel' give a lesson about dream. It is okay to have a dream. Dream is the powerful tool to motivate and make us do the best in our life.
  •  'Mulan' and 'Tiana' taught about work hard. We must do the best in our work to invest for our future. Dream is the first step but work hard is the next step. Without that, dream will be only dream and the future will never change.
  • 'Uncle Gober' gives a valuable lesson about the important of money. We need money in our life. We must earn the money with work hard but we must also know how to spend it. Used wisely and invest it. In that way, we can change our future.
  • Some of the stories ('Tangled', 'Frozen', 'Princess and the Frogs', 'Lion King', 'Beauty and the Beast', and many more) taught about uncertainty in life. Sometimes, we don't know what is life will give us. Where are we going and what must we do. THAT'S OKAY. Uncertainty is the only certainty and change is the constant. Friendship shifts, life choice change, family change. It is okay because all of that still true for your life.
  • All of the stories give a lesson about friendship. Friendships are about QUALITY not only a quantity. It is the time to make sure about our friendships. Will we already give the best to our friends? Why we become friend with them? And, will we promise to beside them in their lowest life?
  • If you hear the music, dance. 'Alladin and Jasmine', 'Belle and Beast', 'Snow White and Seven Dwarves', 'Aurora and the animals', taught about enjoy the music and dance in our life. It is about living in the moment. The future is the future. Don't be so rushed that you can't enjoy the here and now. Life is about fun, spontaneous, and enjoy every moment of it.
  • 'Winnie the Pooh' makes us realize about smiling. Whatever you do, whatever you feel, have a little time to smile. Find the joy in what are you doing. After all, life is too short to spend with a frown and gloomy face.
  • Last, but not least. ALWAYS TRUST YOUR HEART. Taking risks can be scary, but your gut know what's right. Whatever the case, whatever the choice. This is your life and you are the only one who knows what the best for you. 

In conclusion, I think Disney wants to teach about love, friend, and hope. But, the MOST IMPORTANT is to live the life with work hard, joy, and courage. Because, life is only once. It is so wasted to live in regret and frown. We are the only one that can decide our future.

Dream is a wish your heart make.
Cherish it and always fight for it. 

Days 19 -- Writing is become my life now.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

[Challenge] Day #18 -- Review Coursera

Did you like to learn? Did you want to learn any subject with free?
Have you ever hear MOOC? Or website like Coursera, Udacity, or EdX?

If you ever heard that website, I can tell that you know what are those website.

Those website are Learning Website with MOOC method. What is it MOOC?
MOOC or Massive Open Online Course is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open access via the web. In this course, all of the materials such as filmed lectures, readings, quiz, and exercises was provided by interactive forums to support community interaction between students, teachers, and teaching assistants (TAs).

Coursera is one of the MOOC that massively used by every people in the world. Coursera becomes one of the biggest MOOC that dominate an online course. Coursera has the largest catalogs of courses from many subjects and well known university. It gives students so many choices to choose a subjects and have an experience to learn that subjects from the best universities in the world.

I already become the student for almost 2 years and I can tell that I get a new knowledge and also an experience from this type of learning.

Good Side:
  • It is easiest to login and become a new member
  • We can choose what we want to learn from any category (art, technology, social, etc)
  • It is good place to meet another friend (academia) from around the world
  • The site has a good organization to make the students learn the material effectively.
  • Overall, all of the subjects have
    • Syllabus and introduction to guide a new student and give information about a basic outline of materials.
    • A set of lectures (in form of video lectures). It will give students a 3-9 videos each week that include a concepts, basic problems, and examples about the topic for that week. Students are encouraged to discuss difficulties in the Forum.
    • A problem set/assignment/quiz that required to submit to give a grade for a following topic. Student can discuss the assignment with professor or teaching assistant and also a fellow student.
    • The assignment will be given for the following week after a new set of lectures are released. The same process is repeated for a 6-10 weeks.
    • At the end of the course, there will be a Final Exam as a final result from all of the topics that learned from entire weeks.
Need Improvement:
  • Too structured for some learners. You have to go at the pace of professor releases the video and assignment. It is difficult for a learner who didn't have time and want a flexibility to learn. Because, one you pass the assignment time, you can't get a certificate.
  • Need more variability in quality.
  • Must wait a while until the course you want is active.
But, for overall, I think this site is good for whoever want to learn a subjects (a basic subject) from well known university that best for the subjects.

If you love to learn, you can choose this site and try this type of learning. It is free and also you can meet a new friend from another country.

It is never late to learn. 
You only stop learning when you are dying.

DAY 18 -- Even if I didn't write for five days, I still try to finish this writing challenge