Sunday, February 22, 2015

[Art] Interesting Web

You will find this website amusing and interesting. Every pictures give me an inspiration and insight for what is the art.

For me, art is the idea that is unique. But unique its not enough. It must make people feel the attraction and interested.  It must be make people feel curious about it. Then, it must be give a new information and teach them about something.

Those qualities are art. Art is not easy to understand but it is not something too difficult either.

The simple way to make art is: PORTRAIT OURSELVES IN THAT ART


Make something that come from our heart, head, and passion.

Find the true of yourself and make the art from that.

Song, story, drama, romance, picture, portrait, craft, food, cake, clothes, hairstyling, work, movie, film, cartoon, comic, and many more of the art.

Sometimes, it just need faith, belief, and trust to yourself. Then, you can make the art from your life.

Never say never because 
everything possible if you really belief it

Thursday, February 19, 2015

[App] Microsoft OneNote

I believe you familiar with Microsoft, such as a word, powerpoint, excel, or outlook. In a pack of microsoft office, you can find another microsoft software to organize and planning your schedule easier. That is a Microsoft OneNote.

This software has many function and the good news is, it has a guidelines for a new user. If you open Microsoft OneNote, you can meet a new window of the office. In that window, there is many tab (at the rigth, upper, and left) and if you don't know what is the function of the tab or how to work with OneNote. At the right tab, you can choose a OneNote 2007 Guide tab (I still used a microsoft 2007) and you can see another tab about Getting Started with OneNote.

From the picture you can see that in the left tab, there is 12 page. If you click that page one by one, you can learned another basic that you must to know if you want to use this office. You can learned to the basic, how to onenote help you, how to take a note, how to gather a clipp, how to organize, how to search all of your notes, how to work with outlook, how to send notes to the other, tag the notes, used shared noted, upgrading the notes, and the last is more resources if you want to learn more about this office.

The one that I really like from this software is you can use this in many gadget (computer, laptop, netbook, android, or iPhone). You also can share a note with another friend or family. Another thing that make this software interesting is the way you write or take a note (get a picture, audio clip, or video) and you can customize your own note to make those notes more interesting.

With OneNote, you can categorize the notes that you make. Personal, private, public, work, homework, holiday, or anything you want to make and organize that in a creative way.

 And, another thing that I love from this software is the protected document. In your personal or private note, you can choose to make a protection for that and you can keep and save your personal information for yourself.

 So, if you still don't know how to make a planning. You can try this software and help you to more organize in your life. The bright side is you can do that in creative way and this software is free (you can get this in the microsoft office pack).

Hope this help you to become more organize in your planning and your life :)

Organize your life and 
you can do anything you want with a freedom.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Application to help making a planning

Have you ever feel like you didn't have enough time in a day? 24-hours is not enough to do any activity or plan that we want. I always feel like that. Everyday is always so fast and suddenly all of my planning going to waste or simply can't do.

Okay, what do you think you can do in that situation? I choose to write a schedule in a journal or notebook. But, after a month, it was not success. I simply doing a procrastination and failure to follow the schedule.

Then I thought. How about use an application to help me reminder a plan that I make. So, I search all around the internet to know what is the best application for making a planning.

I found so many suggestion and read all of the review from all of the application. This is some of the application that I used:

1. Microsoft office onenote
2. Google calendar
3. Schedule planner
4. Wunderlist

What is it? What the advantage and disadvantage? How to use it? I will tell you one by one tomorrow night.

You can add another app that you know or use and I will add that in my writing tomorrow. :)

Sunday, February 15, 2015


So, today still an introduction. First of all, let me introduce who am I.

Okay, I am a college student in my second term for my master degree. I am 23 years old and a female. I choose to use this blog to write everything I want to. What is it? It is a passion. As a teenager that will become an adult, I always asked to myself. What I want to become? Who I want to become? What is  my real passion? Did I choose a wrong or right choice? Will there is another thing that I can do?

Even if I choose to have a higher education with my choices subject. I still have that questions in my head. So, along a way of the study I learned, I also still searching another thing to my life. I want to do so many thing yet with so short time.

I struggled with that and lost in my daydream. Suddenly, I find a light (you can say that was my 'AHA' moment)

Then, I choose to use this blog. I will do many thing I want to learn and search many thing I want to know. This blog will become my public journal. I will use this as a media for me to write anything and share that to many people who also want to know many thing about passion, hobby, or activity that you want to know and yet you never have a time to do that. I will do that for you and hope we can exchange a knowledge and experience.

'Oh, English is not my native language, so this is also a way for me to improve my English.'

Hope we can walk in this journey together.
Tsubasa Sora
Dream like a star at the night sky. You never know which
star you will have but you can reach and dream for it. 
As long as you never give up.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

I am Online

Hello, nice to meet you.
This is my first blog and I will share many thing in this site.
Hobby, art, song, movie, book, games, and anything. Just say what you want and I try to search and post it for you.

There is nothing happier than to share.


Halo, senang bertemu dengan kalian.
Ini adalah blog pertamaku dan aku akan berbagi berbagai hal di sini.
Hobi, seni, lagu, film, buku, games, dan apapun. Katakan apa yang kalian inginkan dan aku akan berusaha untuk mencarikannya dan memberikannya pada kalian.

Tidak ada hal yang lebih menyenangkan dibandingkan berbagi dengan sesama.
